Special forensic audit of SSGCL, Pesco, Hesco ordered


ISLAMABAD: Finance Division has directed the authorities to conduct special forensic audit of Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) and Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO).

At a recent meeting presided over by the caretaker Finance Minister, Dr Shamshad Akhtar, it was decided to conduct special audit of SSGCL, PESCO and HESCO.

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Finance Division has drafted the following Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the special forensic audit of both power sector entities where losses are too high as compared to other power Distribution Companies: (i) evaluate whether financial statements give a true and fair view of the affairs of the company and are in compliance with relevant accounting and report standards;(ii) evaluate whether internal controls are in place and in effect;(iii) evaluate company is regulatory compliance; (iv) examine the achievement of Transmission & Distribution losses target fixed by NEPRA;(v) examine the detection bills in the light of commercial procedure NEPRA distribution code and policies in vogue; (vi) evaluate the achievement of annual revenue realization with reference to tariff determined by NEPRA; (vii) review and analyze subsidy claims’ verification and disbursement; (viii) review and analyse pending receivable with ageing; (ix) review whether there is any financial indiscipline in payment to pensioners;(x) review whether there are any irregularities in procurement against annual procurement Plans;(xi) report on any instances of non-recovery of liquidated damages from the supplies; and (xii) in case frauds are detected or negligence identified, make recommendations for fixing responsibility.

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